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Category: Blog

Nano enhancement of Black Soldier Fly Larvae and biofortification of waste

Flybox wins the Novel Proteins Grant with NTU

The project aims to lower the cost of production through the biofortification of a range of cheaper, underutilised waste substrates, whilst improving the growth performance and nutritional value of BSFLM.
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Flybox wins NESTLER Grant

Flybox, along with a consortium of companies called NESTLER (Which consists of 14 partners in total) will be developing technologies and systems that contribute to EU-Africa Food Security.
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The future of UK & Africa Insect Protein Collaboration

We discuss the future collaboration opportunities between African and British companies. leveraging decentralised tech with a favourable regulatory environment (especially in East Africa) profitable and safe business models can follow.
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Modular Insect Farms

Flybox® is the trading name of Mana Biosystems Limited